Update on Jay's Ride

If you've been tracing his route on the map and following the pages of his blog, you've likely read about the daily miles and meals experienced along the way. Every mile has been met with determination as Jay consistently conquered 85 to 95 miles per day. 

However, life, with its unpredictability, had other plans. On Tuesday, August 22, Jay's resolve was tested. During his ride in a neighborhood in Auburn, NY, Jay blacked out and fell off his bike, abruptly interrupting his journey. The impact left Jay battered, his clavicle fractured, and his aspirations shattered, marking an end to his ride as planned. It was a reminder that event the most significant goals can be halted in a single instant. 

Click Here to see Jay's latest blog post

Send Jay a Message of Thanks and Healing

Jay's Remarkable Journey

Pedals and Posts - Jay's Ride for Aptiv

Click Here to read about Jay's remarkable journey!

My "Why"

Over the years, I’ve done several challenging feats of physical endurance, including climbing  Mt. Kilimanjaro, biking from Seattle, Washington, to La Crosse, Wisconsin, and hiking/biking the Ice Age Trail. Trying to make these efforts more than about just me, I’ve incorporated each of them as the basis of raising funds for those with disabilities who receive services through Aptiv. Subsequently, people would ask, “What are you going to do next?” Well, after a lot of thought, I decided to finish my cross-country bike ride by starting in La Crosse, Wisconsin, and cycling to Portland, Maine. “Why?” people ask. Not really sure…just an ordinary guy trying to make a difference and have some fun along the way.   


- Jay

Encouraging Words to Jay

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